BK UNIVERSAL WINKHAUS Set for smoker № 4
Set of universal balcony latch, 2 mounting plastic molds, metal C-handle, unpainted.
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Article 2842578.
- subdivided into right and left
- adjustment in the horizontal plane (+ 3.5 / -2.0 mm)
After installation, the top tire and bracket are securely connected to each other
- with the possibility of installing an angular gear with adjustable clamp
- sash weight up to 130 kg
Supplied without plastic lining.
BK UNIVERSAL WINKHAUS Set for smoker № 4 (ref. bk uni 4)
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Set of universal balcony latch, 2 mounting plastic molds, metal C-handle, unpainted.
GAMA.2300-3 D30 WINKHAUS ACTIVPILOT Castle (ref. GAMA.2300-3 D30)
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WINKHAUS GAMA.2300-3 D30 lock.
Fittings model ACTIVPILOT, type - burglar-proof, has 3 burglar-proof 8-sided "mushrooms" with the ability to manually adjust the pressure.
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Lock striker FUHR FRA for FUHR door locks for REHAU profile, right (RS).
ROTO Axerstulp 350/690 (ref. 350/690)
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ROTO Axerstulp 350/690 top part (601-800 mm)
Art. 260204.
LOB MZC1235K Hinge for wooden doors and windows (ref. LOB MZC1235K)
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LOB MZC1235K Hinge for wooden doors and windows.
STV-FG 1660/35 92/8 R4 SL WINKHAUS lock (ref. STV-FG 1660/35 92/8 R4)
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WINKHAUS STV-FG 1660/35 92/8 R4 SL multi-point lock, handle closure.
R4- 4 pressure drums, D35, 92 system.
ROTO Falzaxerarm К 12/20-13 LS Swivel bracket (ref. К 12/20-13 LS)
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ROTO Falzaxerarm К 12/20-13 LS Swivel bracket, left.
Art. 230639.
FUHR 25/16 R4 Multi-point lock with roller (ref. FUHR 25/16 R4)
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Multi-point universal door lock with roller FUHR 25/16 R4.
ROTO Axerarm K 350 12/20-13 LS (ref. K 350 12/20-13 LS)
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ROTO Axerarm K 350 12/20-13 LS bracket, left, the size of the sash FFB 601-800 mm.
Art. 258064.
ROTO GR 2090/K castle (ref. GR 2090/K)
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ROTO GR 2090/K D15mm castle (2001-2200 mm).
Art. 259851.
ROTO NT GR.1100 lock (ref. GR.1100)
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ROTO NT GR.1100 lock (801-1100)
EWTA 18/12 SR RS WINKHAUS AUTOPILOT lower loop on the frame for wooden windows, right (ref. EWTA 18/12 SR RS)
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WINKHAUS EWTA 18/12 SR RS lower loop on the frame for wooden windows, right.
Art. 1908361.
DL.K.U.20-12 RS SL WINKHAUS PROPILOT Swivel bracket (ref. DL.K.U.20-12 RS SL)
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WINKHAUS PROPILOT DL.K.U.20-13 RS SL Swivel bracket.
Art. 4938562.
SBA.K.560 WINKHAUS ACTIVPILOT response part (ref. SBA.K.560)
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WINKHAUS ALS-FSS universal reply part
SW 40-20/9 RS WINKHAUS AUTOPILOT Bracket (ref. SW 40-20/9)
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WINKHAUS SW 40-20/9 RS Bracket
Delivered without plastic lining.