LOB MZC1250K puitaknale ja puitustele hing
LOBMZC1250Kpuitaknale ja puitustele hing.
WSK VW REHAU UNI universaalne suluse vaste.
Metallist WSK VW REHAU UNI suluse vaste on universaalne.
Saab kasutada paremal või vasakul, elementaarne turvalisus.
LOB MZC1250K puitaknale ja puitustele hing (ref. LOB MZC1250K)
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LOBMZC1250Kpuitaknale ja puitustele hing.
ROTO SH-Schließstück, Rehau, 13V, Boden, Zink murdmisvast. suluse vaste (ref. SH-Schließstück)
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ROTO SH-Schließstück, Rehau, 13V, Boden murdmisvast. suluse vaste.
Art. 316942.
BK UNIVERSAL WINKHAUS suitsetajale № 4 (ref. bk uni 4)
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Komplekt sisaldab: BK rõduuksefiksaator, 2 paigaldamise plaadid, C-link, metal, värvimata.
ROTO Stulpflügelgetriebe konstant, FFH 431-500 /501-600mm, GM 195mm stulp (ref. Stulpflügelgetriebe)
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ROTO Stulpflügelgetriebe konstant, FFH 431-500 /501-600mm, GM 195mm, stulp.
Art. 233408.
WSK 226 SL WINKHAUS ( TROCAL) suluse vaste (ref. WSK 226 SL)
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WSK 226 SL WINKHAUS ( TROCAL) suluse vaste
SWN WINKHAUS AUTOPILOT ülemine hing lengile (ref. SWN)
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WINKHAUS SWN ülemine hing lengile FLEX ja AUTOPILOT furnituuri mudelitele.
ROTO GR 490/K+H lukk (ref. GR 490/K+H)
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ROTO GR 490/K+H D15mm lukk (481-600mm)
Art. 259830
SW 40-20/9 LS WINKHAUS AUTOPILOT kronstein (ref. SW 40-20/9 LS)
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WINKHAUS SW 40-20/9 LS kronstein
Müüme ilma plastiku kate.
E1 WINKHAUS FLEX nurk (ref. E1flex)
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E1 nurk
WINKHAUS FLEX furnituuri mudel.
Art. 1157414
STV-F 1660/26 92/8 R4 SL WINKHAUS lukk (ref. STV-F 1660/26 92/8 R4)
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WINKHAUS STV-F 1660/26 92/8 R4 SL mitmepunkti lukk.
Sulgemine lukusüdamiku abil.
M.500-1 WINKHAUS ACTIVPILOT pikendus (ref. M.500-1)
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Pikendus WINKHAUS M.500-1, riistvaramudel ACTIVPILOT
LOB MZC1235K puitaknale ja puitustele hing (ref. LOB MZC1235K)
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LOB MZC1235K puitaknale ja puitustele hing.
WSH 18 WINKHAUS suluse vaste (ref. WSH 18)
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WINKHAUS WSH 18 suluse vaste puitakendele ja ustele Eurofaltz profiilist.
JOCKER 20.5 ustele hing, kuld (ref. JOCKER 20.5 zoloto)
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JOCKER 20.5 ustele hing, kuld
SW 22-20/9 RS WINKHAUS AUTOPILOT kronstein (ref. SW 22-20/9 RS)
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WINKHAUS AUTOPILOT SW 22-20/9 RS kronstein
Müüme ilma plastiku kate.
SK2.20-13 RS WINKHAUS ACTIVPILOT kronstein (ref. SK2.20-13 RS)
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Art. 2842586.
Müüme ilma plastiku kate.