ROTO Falzaxerarm К 12/20-13 RS ülemine hing
ROTO Falzaxerarm К 12/20-13 RS ülemine hing, parem.
Art. 230640.
MVFN (WINKHAUS FLEX) furnituuri element
ROTO Falzaxerarm К 12/20-13 RS ülemine hing (ref. К 12/20-13 RS)
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ROTO Falzaxerarm К 12/20-13 RS ülemine hing, parem.
Art. 230640.
ROTO NT петля верхняя без штифта (ref. ROTO NT б)
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ROTO GR 890/K lukk (ref. GR 890/K)
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ROTO GR 890/K D15mm lukk (801-1000 mm)
Art. 259836.
MVR/V 50 WINKHAUS AUTOPILOT blokaadi pikendaja (ref. MVR/V 50)
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Plokipikendus WINKHAUS MVR/V 50-1, kinnitusmudel AUTOPILOT
ROTO GR 1380 D25 lukk (ref. GR 1380 D25)
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ROTO GR 1380 D25mm lukk (1201-1600 mm)
Art. 259774
WINKHAUS kassett (ref. WH)
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WINKHAUS originaalne kassett lukudele GRM, GRF, GRK( FLEX, PILOT,AUTOPILOT)
SBA.K.60 WINKHAUS ACTIVPILOT suluse vaste (ref. SBA.K 60)
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ROTO Axerarm K 350 12/20-13 RS kronstein (ref. K 350 12/20-13 RS)
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ROTO NT furnituuri mudel, Axerarm K 350 12/20-13 RS kronstein, parem, raami mõõdud FFB 601-800 mm.
Art. 258065.
WINKHAUS peidetud lisasurve puuaknale (ref. skrprizim)
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Peidetud lisasurve puitakendele (saksa tüüpi).
LOB MZCS1360K puitaknale ja puitustele hing (ref. LOB MZCS1360K)
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LOBMZCS1360Kpuitaknale ja puitustele hing.
SWTF 40-18 / 9-12 RS WINKHAUS AUTOPILOT kronstein, puidust aknad, parem (ref. SWTF 40-18 / 9-12 RS)
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SWTF 40-18 / 9-12 RS kronstein, puidust aknad, parem.
AUTOPILOT, art. 2025308.
GAM.2300-3 WINKHAUS ACTIVPILOT lukk (ref. GAM.2300-3)
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WINKHAUS GAM.2300-3 lukk.
ACTIVPILOT mudel, 3 tükki 8-sided "seened",käsitsi reguleerimine.
D15,5 mm.
FFH (Faltsi mõõdud) 1800-2300 mm.
HKS130 FFB 1250 WS komplekt + link (ref. HKS130 FFB 1250 WS)
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HAUTAU HKS130 FFB 900 WS lükandukstele komplekt.
BK 121 WINKHAUS rõduukse fiksaator (ref. BK121)
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Liikuvate impostile BK121 rõduukse fiksaator.
NB! See rõdulukk on mõeldud ainult kaheosalise seadme jaoks! Mitte tavalise rõduukse jaoks.
SK 130/150 LS HAUTAU komplekt (ref. HAUTAU SK 130/150 LS)
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HAUTAU SK 130/150 LS lükanduste komplekt, vasakule.
JOCKER 17.5 RAL 8077 ustele hing (ref. JOCKER 17.5)
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JOCKER 17.5 RAL 8077 ustele hing, pruun.