BK UNIVERSAL WINKHAUS suitsetajale № 2
Komplekt sisaldab: BK rõduuksefiksaator, 2 paigaldamise plaadid , PS link, plastik, pruun.
WINKHAUS EWTA 18/12 SR RS alumine hing lengile, puidust aknad, parem.
Art. 1908361.
Metallist alumine hing lengile WINKHAUS AUTOPILOT EWTA 18/12 SR RS puitakendele, parempoolne.
BK UNIVERSAL WINKHAUS suitsetajale № 2 (ref. BK 2)
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Komplekt sisaldab: BK rõduuksefiksaator, 2 paigaldamise plaadid , PS link, plastik, pruun.
GAM.1800-2 (D-7,5) WINKHAUS ACTIVPILOT замок (ref. GAM.1800-2 (D-7,5))
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WINKHAUS GAM.1800-2 lukk. Väikese kassetiga DORMAS - 7,5 mm
ACTIVPILOT liitmike mudelil, sissemurdmisvastane tüüp, on 2 sissemurdmisvastast 8-poolset “seent”, millel on võimalus rõhku käsitsi reguleerida.
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E1 nurk
WINKHAUS ACTIVPILOT furnituuri mudel.
Art. 2841823
SIEMENS 75 mm akna hinged, pruun (ref. SIEMENS 75 mm кор)
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SIEMENS 75 mm akna hinged, pruun
E.K.U.1 WINKHAUS proPILOT nurgas (ref. E.K.U.1)
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E.K.U.1 WINKHAUS proPILOT nurgas
GAM.2300-3 WINKHAUS ACTIVPILOT lukk (ref. GAM.2300-3)
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WINKHAUS GAM.2300-3 lukk.
ACTIVPILOT mudel, 3 tükki 8-sided "seened",käsitsi reguleerimine.
D15,5 mm.
FFH (Faltsi mõõdud) 1800-2300 mm.
OS2.1025-1 SL WINKHAUS ACTIVPILOT ülemine siin (ref. OS2.1025-1)
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WINKHAUS OS2.1025-1 SL ülemine siin.
GAM.1800-2 WINKHAUS ACTIVPILOT lukk (ref. GAM.1800-2)
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WINKHAUS GAM.1800-2 lukk.
ACTIVPILOT mudel, 2 tk. 8-sided"seen", käsitsi reguleerimine.
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E3 nurk
WINKHAUS ACTIVPILOT furnituuri mudel
Art. 2842244
MVR 50/2 WINKHAUS AUTOPILOT sulus (ref. MVR 50/2)
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WINKHAUS MVR 50/2 sulus, WINKHAUS AUTOPILOT furnituuri mudel.
SWTF 40-18/9-12 LS WINKHAUS AUTOPILOT kronstein, puidust aknad, vasak (ref. SWTF 40-18/9-12 LS)
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SWTF 40-18/9-12 LS kronstein, puidust aknad, vasak.
AUTOPILOT, art. 2025210.
SWT F3 WINKHAUS hingekate (ref. SWT F3)
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Ülemine hingekate WINKHAUS SWT F3 puitakendele ja ustele, kuldne värv.
Peidetud klamber, aknatiiva osa (REHAU,VEKA) (ref. PRZ SRD STVOR PLAST)
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Peidetud klamber, aknatiiva osa (REHAU,VEKA)
WSH 18 WINKHAUS suluse vaste (ref. WSH 18)
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WINKHAUS WSH 18 suluse vaste puitakendele ja ustele Eurofaltz profiilist.
ROTO GR 1380 D25 lukk (ref. GR 1380 D25)
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ROTO GR 1380 D25mm lukk (1201-1600 mm)
Art. 259774
GRMA 2300/2 D25 WINKHAUS AUTOPILOT lukk (ref. GRMA 2300/2)
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Dormas 25 mm